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2/27/20243 min read

group of people using laptop computer
group of people using laptop computer

Hello Faithful Pirate of the people of the world who will bring back eternal light.

In order to become a faithful pirate of light and join us, I thank you for noting that your registration request must be made after having read and approved the rules in your contact form request and also note on the form that it is to become a member, so that the committee can be proud to announce a new member of the P.U.L.L crew.

We'll succeed together, hand in hand, keeping the balance so that justice is done, because the awakening of the People will awaken so that the People take their place again by uniting in justice, love and benevolence for their fellow man. Just as we bring it to ourselves.

Dear future members of our association,

I'd like to share with you a few more universal principles that guide our vision of a better world for all living human beings. These universal laws set out the fundamental values we believe are essential to promoting peace, justice and well-being on our planet.

Respect for life: We believe in the sacred respect of all forms of life, whether human, animal or plant. We are committed to acting in ways that protect life and avoid all forms of unnecessary suffering.

Freedom: Freedom is a fundamental right for all living beings. We defend everyone's right to live without oppression, to make their own decisions and to express their convictions freely.

Equality: We believe in the equality of all living beings in dignity and rights, without distinction of race, gender, religion, etc. We reject all forms of discrimination. We reject all forms of discrimination and advocate fair treatment for all.

Responsibility: We are aware of our responsibility to others and to our planet. We are committed to making ethical decisions and minimizing our impact on the environment.

Compassion: Compassion guides our actions towards others. We strive to understand and support the needs of others in a spirit of caring and empathy.

Honesty: We value integrity and transparency in our words and actions. We are committed to being honest and authentic in all our interactions.

Tolerance: We respect differences and accept diversity of opinion and belief. We advocate open and respectful dialogue, even in the face of disagreement.

Solidarity: We believe in the power of solidarity and collaboration to achieve our common goals. We are committed to supporting those in need, and to working together to solve the challenges we face.

Empathy: We cultivate the ability to understand the emotions and needs of others. We strive to be supportive and compassionate in our daily interactions.

Caring: We are committed to acting altruistically for the well-being of others. We seek to create a world where every individual can flourish and find happiness.

Justice: We advocate the fair application of laws and rules to protect the rights of all. We are committed to fighting all forms of injustice and exploitation.

Peace: We aspire to a world of peace and harmony. We strive to resolve conflicts peacefully and promote peaceful coexistence between all living beings.

Gratitude: We cultivate a sense of gratitude for life's blessings. We commit to appreciating and valuing the people and experiences that enrich our existence.

Love: Love guides our interactions with others. We aspire to love unconditionally and to create bonds based on respect and benevolence.

Wisdom: We seek to gain a deep understanding of the fundamental truths of life. We are committed to living more enlightened and meaningful lives through the wisdom we acquire.

Together, as members of this association, we pledge to live by these universal principles and promote a better world for all living beings.

With hope and determination,

Pirates' Union of Light & Love (PULL) - Association